Sip Your Way Through the Lost Colony Wine Festival

The Lost Colony Wine Festival takes place on Roanoke Island inside the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, home to the USA’s longest-running outdoor drama, The Lost Colony.

Roanoke Island was where Queen Elizabeth I first attempted to instill a colony in North America near the end of the sixteenth century. The play The Lost Colony depicts the tale of this first colony, including the story of its mysterious disappearance and the birth of the first colonial child, Virginia Dare. The drama has been performed on this historic ground since 1937 and inspired the birth of the Lost Colony Wine Festival.

In celebration of this history and the legends surrounding the first colony, the Lost Colony Wine and Culinary Festival mixes historical facts and myth with palatial wine and delectable food. The festival is a time for appreciating food and drink with plenty of feasting and sampling, as well as encompassing the value and joy of narrative storytelling with live entertainment. 

The Vintner’s Dinner

Photo Credit: thevintnerstavern via Instagram
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Welcome To The First Flight Rentals Blog!

Hey there & welcome to the new First Flight Rentals blog! We’ll be sharing everything great about the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina and vacation secrets from locals & more. We’ll be featuring stories about the history of the Outer Banks, places to eat while you’re on vacation, fun things to do as well as photos and other activities that our guests love.

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